This is made from a photo I took this summer of a giant moth and I jazzed it up with Kaleidoscope Maker.
As I've mentioned before, the house is on the market, boxes have been packet to clear clutter, and my small sewing area (Costco table) is now in the storage room/shop/doggie bedroom/etc/etc/. It had already taken enough time to find my rotary cutter (last minute stash in computer bag in questroom) and the right ruler, but now I was trying to find my 1/4" foot and other machine accessories not involved with freemotion. Finally, everything was accounted for.
I had been trying out some decorative stitches so I had to put the round hole sole plate back on, attach the foot, put in new thread, place the material under the foot, press the start button and stall out after about four stitches. After the thread mess was cleaned out, it took many attempts to get the bobbin thread kept snagging on something. I don't know how may times I took the sole plate off and took the bobbin out, but finnally I was able to bring up the bobbin thread.
Now there is an issue with the stitches. The first few stitches looked good on top, but on the bottom the top thread was just laying on top of the bottom thread and then looks good on top and only OK on the bottom. I don't know the machine that well and haven't tinkered that much with it and the dealer is only 6 miles away, so....Bubba is taking a ride tomorrow morning.
And where did spellcheck go on this thing!?!?!? Hummmm, yesterday I clicked on an updated something or other....and the image insertion thing looks different too!
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