I'm going to make a baby quilt for Sweetie's nephew's new son. These are the fabrics that will make up the quilt and yes, I used crayons to do my pattern. I think it's time I move up to at least Quilt Wizard!
It all started with the piggy fabric, which I only had a 12.5" strip of, and the rest were purchased at my LQS. I had to come up with a theme to make more pink in the quilt acceptable for a boy quilt. Then it came to me...Neopolitan ice cream was the baby's late grandfather's most favorite ice cream. I'll make 6" rail fence blocks and work in four 6" and one 12" blocks of the piggy fabric. Love the piggy fabric will have to order more.
Now that the temperatures and the humidity aren't so high the porch is a much more enjoyable place to be for all concerned. Except for last night, we had dinner on the porch for the past week. The cool mountain morning air is back...love to have that first cup outside!